We are the WORLD'S LEADING Manufacturer and Supplier of Liquid Zeolite Products: Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ! Selling Liquid Zeolite worldwide for 20 years!
Each batch is gently pasteurized then 3rd Party Independently Tested for Purity
Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is a dietary supplement preferred by many cancer patients, cancer survivors as well as healthy children and adults.
Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is recommended and sold by more physicians and healthcare practitioners than all other brands of liquid zeolite & zeolite powder combined. Don't waste your money on inferior copy-cat formulas, even ones that claims to be more potent yet lack all it's essential ingredients!
Easy to Take: 100% Bioavailable Pure Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ, Humic Acid & Fulvic Acid | Natural Immune System Modulator & Energy Booster that Supports Full Body Daily Detox - Ultra Absorption Alkaline Drops For Optimal pH
Liquid Zeolite safely removes heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium as well as toxic chemicals, and other toxins.
More Potent Than Zeolite Powder, Other Zeolite Liquids & Nano Zeolite Sprays!
Liquid Zeolite Helps Fight Leaky Gut & Inflammation!
Leaky gut allows bad substances to pass through leaky gut barrier and incite inflammation in the body.
Leaky gut occurs when the lining of your intestinal wall has an increased permeability. This allows unwanted toxins and microbes to leak from your intestines into the bloodstream.
The result is a weakened immune system, excessive fatigue, autoimmune issues, skin rashes, depression, and intense cravings for sugar or carbohydrates. This may cause fatigue, autoimmune diseases, depression, and more.
In a clinical trial of 52 endurance athletes, zeolite tightened the intestinal wall and prevented leaking.
Zeolite Helps YOUR Immune System Fight Viruses! VIRAL LOAD REDUCED BY LIQUID ZEOLITE
Zeolite is able trap pre-virus (pre-viral) components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. In this way, zeolite may play an important role as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed Zeolite latches on to viral components. This can help relieve some of the symptoms of viral diseases and infections.
Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the ultra-micronized zeolite aggregates. This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections. Zeolite honeycomb structure absorbs virus components in its pores, allowing them to be effectively removed through urine, stool, or perspiration.
Zeolite is a natural mineral that can be used in combination with the best anti-viral herbs like garlic, onion, and cloves.
Remember to keep your body as alkaline as possible because the viruses and tumors can’t live in a highly alkaline body.
- Liquid Zeolite supports a strong & healthy immune system -
Benefits of Liquid Zeolite:
- #1 Heavy Metals Detox (Safely Removes Mercury, Lead, Cadmium…)
- Removes Radiation Particles (nuclear, x-rays, security scanners, medical)
- Detoxes Environmental Toxins (smoke particles, cell phone radiation, chemicals, plastics, pesticides)
- Helps Fight Tumor Growth (activates p21 gene telling tumors to die)
- Helps Fight Viruses and Parasites (smothers and starves them)
- Stops Mycotoxins (fungal, and mold spores)
- Relieves Symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, MS, Morgellons and “mystery” Diseases
- Relieves Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and IBS
- Enhances Bone Formation and Red Blood Cells
- Relieves Symptoms of Chronic Diarrhea
- Natural Cleanse for Chemtrail Residue and Glyphosate Toxicity
- Natural Immunity Booster (makes stealth invaders visible and traps/zaps them)
- Balances Total Cholesterol (Reduces LDL and VLDL and Boosts Healthy HDL)
- Alkalizing Effect on Your Whole Body (alkaline effect on body)
- =========================================
- Many other brands use fragmented zeolite particles (broken damaged zeolite lattice structure), hydrated zeolite, hydrolyzed zeolite, water-soluble zeolite, nano zeolite (all unproven to be efficient at broad-spectrum heavy metal, chemical, toxin attraction and removal). These competitor brands also use harsh chemicals, hydrochloric acids, solvents and/or high heat treatment methods to produce their products.
Researchers collected snow, fog and rain samples from several regions in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. After analyzing their samples, they discovered there were levels of microplastics present.
Natural Liquid Zeolite and zeolite powder are the perfect solution to microplastics because these tiny zeolite particles can travel deep into the body’s tissues where microplastics may accumulate and research shows that zeolite can trap a wide variety of toxins, from heavy metals to chemicals, to plastic compounds such as BPA. Liquid Zeolite supplements are easy to use and are designed for daily use, which is ideal since we are exposed to microplastics, nanoplastics and other toxins constantly throughout the day.
Installing a water filtration system in your home, and avoid consuming too much seafood since a large percentage of it is contaminated with microplastics are some ways to help avoid microplastics. Obviously it is impossible to totally avoid microplastics & nanoplastics, because there are literally thousands of products housed in plastic containers such as spring water, ketchup & other condiments, mayonnaise, peanut butter, the list goes on and on.
Apples and carrots are the most contaminated fruit and vegetable, respectively, with over 100,000 microplastics per gram. An Italian study from 2020 showed that apples were the most contaminated while lettuce was the least.
Vegans may consume less microplastics compared to non-vegans, as a significant portion of microplastic contamination in food comes from the consumption of seafood and other animal products.
The abundance of nanoplastics with the most frequent particle sizes in range of 58–255 nm was 1.67–2.08 μg/L in tap water.
Contrary to common belief, it’s not just plastic bottles and food packaging that’s creating these microplastics. Approximately 35% of all microplastic pollution comes from textiles that contain synthetic fibers. This includes most bedding, clothes, and upholstery. With time and washing, these fibers degrade into microplastics and contaminate the environment.
A study by the University of Newcastle in Australia estimates that we each consume 5g, or about the size of a credit card, of microplastics every week. Additionally, a groundbreaking study confirmed fears that we are eating plastic when it detected the presence of microplastics in human stool samples from across the world.
The sorption system based on Bentonite Branany and natural mineral zeolite clinoptilolite for microplastic removal from water was successfully designed and tested not only at the laboratory scale but also at a designed pilot plant unit in the municipal waste water treatment plant (WWTP) in the Czech Republic for 10 months.
Microplastics are ingested by aquatic creatures from microorganisms to fish.
How zeolite can also help heal your pet dog, cat, horse, etc
We can do a lot to reduce our exposure to toxins. But they’re still a big issue because they’re in our air, soil, water and most of the food we eat – all things we can’t avoid. In fact, many health professionals believe that the majority of illnesses and diseases in humans arise from toxins in the body. It’s no different for our companion animals.
In fact, a recent groundbreaking investigation into the extent of chemical exposure in dogs and cats, conducted by the Environmental Working Group, discovered that our animals actually have higher levels of toxicity in their bodies than we do. This alone could account for the marked increase in chronic health issues addressed by veterinary offices across the country.
Toxins and disease
Heavy metals, like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides all have resounding health implications for dogs and cats. Scientists believe that high toxin levels in our animals are behind ever-increasing rates illnesses. Our animals are like the “canary in the coal mine” with their compressed life spans, their close proximity to the ground, and their smaller size. They may exhibit health problems from exposure much more quickly than we do, and may actually be warning us about potential hazards in our environment.
Real, Genuine Liquid Zeolite is sold in a blue-labelled bottle.
Genuine Liquid Zeolite Micronized Cleansed Activated - Each Bottle is a 1 Month Supply. 100% Safely Removes Mercury, Cadmium, Heavy Metals, Chemicals and Toxins Fast.
PLEASE Order online if Possible! EMAIL us if you have any trouble ordering online, LiquidZeolite@AOL.com We are open everyday from 10:00am to 8:00 pm eastern time. Order online and receive a coupon for a deep discount on your second order!
QUESTIONS should be emailed to: LiquidZeolite@AOL.com
Additional Benefits
- Remineralizes - includes 72 naturally occurring trace minerals
- No side-effects
- Boost energy levels
- Reduction in fatigue
- Increases assimilation
- Stimulates metabolism
- Maintain proper pH levels
- 100% Safe for long-term use
- Acts as a free-radical reducer
- Supports immune system function
- Removes mercury, heavy metals and toxins
Why Choose Liquid Zeolite?
It is safe to use: Liquid Zeolite comes from the only ore supply that's been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it can NEVER withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to remineralize your cells.
100% Pure Clinoptilolite: Liquid Zeolite is composed of the zeolite subgroup called "clinoptilolite" the type of zeolite that has generated such amazing results in laboratory testing. Liquid Zeolite is much more effective than zeolite powder.
It is chemical free: Liquid Zeolite is processed without chemicals. Through a natural, proprietary process, concentrated organic humic acid molecules naturally hold zeolite in permanent suspension. The natural zeolite powder used in Liquid Zeolite is ultra-micronized & it's zeolite cages are thoroughly cleansed. Finally the finished Liquid Zeoliteproduct is gently heat-pasteurized to assure a 100% safe liquid zeolite formula.
It has maximum bioavailability: Because the humic acid in Liquid Zeolite is organic and because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of Liquid Zeolite is carried into the cells, making it much more efficient than other zeolite liquid products on the market.
It has anti-aging properties: Because Liquid Zeolite uses natural humic acid to carry the zeolite to your cells, the anti-aging properties of organic humic acid "come with." There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize our cells and reverse cellular degeneration.
What makes natural cellular Liquid Zeolite better than other major brands of liquid zeolite?
Many other brands use chemicals, solvents and/or high-heat treatment methods to process their zeolite into a liquid form. Natural Cellular Liquid Zeolite utilizes the newest most advanced proprietary natural manufacturing processes. The multi-level marketing company (MLM brand) uses high-heat treatment methods and harsh chemical reagents such as hydrochloric acid and/or acetic acid in their manufacturing process.
Liquid Zeolite is produced according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in an FDA licensed and GMP certified manufacturing facility. Each batch is 3rd party independently tested to ensure quality control and safety!
Buy Liquid Zeolite and Get Healthy Fast! Perfect for men, women, children & pets!
Zeolite: natural zeolite mineral, world’s greatest detoxifier, heavy metal and toxin remover!
Oxygen: disease killing oxygen and energy enhancer, feel more alert & energetic without drinking caffeine!
Dihydroquercetin (DHQ) bioflavonoid powerful super-antioxidant: strengthens your body’s immune response to attacks from viruses, allergens, and carcinogens. Flavonoids have aroused considerable interest recently because of their potential beneficial effects on human health, they have been reported to have antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant activities!
M-Water: which helps to super-hydrate your cells and enhances the permeation of zeolite into your cells and toxins out of your cells!
Minerals: 72 natural ionic angstrom-sized trace-minerals for cellular repair & cellular regeneration, may help slow, reduce or reverse aging. Revitalize your body with minerals usually lacking from your diet. Experts estimate that 90 percent of Americans suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency. Most trace elements need to be in ionic form to be well absorbed in the intestine.” —Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D.
pH: may help regulate/balance your body's pH to a more alkaline level. Because most diseases & illnesses occur when your body is acidic, become more alkaline and become more healthy, period! Immune modulator: may act as an effective "natural" immune modulator. It could effectively regulate an underactive or overactive immune system back to normal. Most diseases and illness occur when the immune system is unbalanced!
The Proprietary Cleansing Process of Our Natural Zeolite Mineral
We start with the purest cleanest zeolite on the planet, mined specifically for human consumption. The natural zeolite is specifically prepared with a proprietary cleansing process to ensure thoroughly cleansed zeolite cages and standardized cation capacity. The zeolite is then put through thorough quality control tests to ensure its quality and safety is maintained for specifically for human consumption. It is thoroughly dried and then MICRONIZED to average particle size less than ½ micron, much smaller than a human blood cell, thus allowing it to readily travel throughout the human body to effectively & efficiently remove dangerous toxic heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, nickel, barium and other toxic chemicals and toxins.
Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as taxifolin, is a bioflavonoid similar in structure to that of quercetin. Almost 600 studies conducted over the last 50 years have investigated its effectiveness and safety. Flavonoids perform two important functions... they strengthen your body’s immune response and they act as powerful super-antioxidants. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that are ubiquitous in nature and are categorized, according to chemical structure, into flavonols, flavones, flavanones, isoflavones, catechins, anthocyanidins and chalcones. Over 4,000 flavonoids have been identified, many of which occur in fruits, vegetables and beverages (tea, coffee, beer, wine and fruit drinks). The flavonoids have aroused considerable interest recently because of their potential beneficial effects on human health-they have been reported to have antiviral, anti-allergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant activities. Flavonoids may help provide protection against these diseases by contributing, along with antioxidant vitamins and enzymes, to the total antioxidant defense system of the human body. Epidemiological studies have shown that flavonoid intake is inversely related to mortality from coronary heart disease and to the incidence of heart attacks. Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells against the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species, such as singlet oxygen, superoxide, peroxyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite. An imbalance between antioxidants and reactive oxygen species results in oxidative stress, leading to cellular damage. Oxidative stress has been linked to cancer, aging, atherosclerosis, ischemic injury, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's).
Liquid Zeolite is the NEWEST method to deliver zeolite to the cells. A proprietary, organically induced, advanced technology is used to absorb the natural cellular zeolite directly into the molecular structure of the humic mineral complex.
The zeolite mineral molecule is ingested by the humic mineral complex, producing a highly stable and suspended potent bioavailable cell-penetrating supplement.
Combining natural cellular zeolite with humic minerals, delivers a powerful natural chelating, pH balancing, immune supporting and remineralizing vitality supplement.
What makes Zeolite so unique is its negatively charged, cage-like, honeycombed structure. When ingested, this natural mineral attracts and irreversibly binds toxic heavy metals, chemical elements, and free radicals and is then excreted through the urinary tract. This process is called Chelation. One of the most significant benefits of Zeolite over other chelating agents is its affinity schedule for toxic heavy metals. Zeolite binds with mercury first and lead second, moving on to additional positively-charged toxic heavy metals and chemical toxins which may include pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and even radioactive particles without removing precious nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. However, Zeolite goes far beyond the critical job of removing damaging toxins. Research has shown that it has many other vital actions in the body. Zeolite removes free radicals. Unlike classic antioxidants, Zeolite does not neutralize free radicals by donating an electron to stabilize them. Instead, its structure captures free radicals. Once trapped inside the cage, the inactivated free radical can then safely be eliminated from the body.
• Zeolite has broad-spectrum antiviral properties: first, by attracting and binding viral sub-particles, thereby interfering with viral replication and eliminating them from the body and second, by inhibiting viral proliferation via immune modulation of T cells.
• Zeolite helps maintain proper pH by removing acidic ions and chemicals which then promotes optimal metabolic and immune functions.
• Zeolite may help to eliminate carcinogenic toxins from the body, especially a category of carcinogens called nitrosamines. The most common sources for these nitrates include processed meats, cigarettes, and beer which are linked to pancreatic, stomach, and colon cancers.
• Zeolite promotes healthy digestion and encourages nutrient absorption. Clinoptilolite Zeolite’s ability to capture ammonium ions during digestion promotes a healthier and less toxic digestive system.
Humic Minerals
Viruses. Those enigmatic, perplexing and often lethal microbes cause a vast number of human illnesses from the common cold, to cancer to epidemic diseases. New and changing viruses are appearing at an all too alarming rate and we need an effective way to control their influence on our body.
Referred to as the “missing link” to optimum health and nutrition by leading scientists throughout the world, humic acid is a health miracle. Medical studies now show that it has the ability to significantly change our life for the better. It is so safe, powerful and effective that it has been used around the world for hundreds of years with amazing results.
Human dietary supplementation with humic acid is bringing about life changing results for so many!
So what exactly is this miraculous substance?
Humic minerals are the smallest, most complex, most highly refined naturally occurring water-soluble substance on Earth. Tiny amounts remarkably transform the molecular structure of water, making it intensely more active and penetrating. Humic acid then assists water in its job of dissolving and transporting. It helps carry nutrients into the cell and waste products away from the cell, while also helping to neutralize toxins and invaders.
Humic mineral complex is the smallest, most complex, most highly refined naturally occurring water-soluble substance on earth. It is an all-natural substance that has been extracted from ancient deposits of organic matter. It is refined for human use as a dietary supplement. Tiny amounts remarkably transform the molecular structure of water, making it intensively more active and penetrating. Humic acid mineral complex then assists water in its job of dissolving and transporting.
100% Natural Ingredients:
LIQUID ZEOLITE contains natural purified clinoptilolite zeolite which has been ultra-micronized and ultra-cleansed, humic acid, fulvic acid, DHQ (dihydroquercetin), M-Water "structured water", 72 naturally occurring trace minerals, 12 naturally-occurring amino acids, phyto-nutrients, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients. Potassium sorbate and citric acid added as natural preservatives.
Each batch is also 3rd party-lab tested to assure a 100% safe product.
Supplement Facts:
Size Of Bottle: 30ml
Serving Size: 13 drops
Servings Per Container: Minimum 30 servings - 1 month supply using normal dose
Suggested Use: Shake well before using each time: Put drops into 4 or more ounces of spring water or filtered water, then drink.
- Normal (maintenance): 13 drops daily
- Medium: 13 drops twice daily
- Heavy: 13 drops 3 times daily
No need to refrigerate after opening. For best health, try to drink 3 to 5 or more glasses of fresh, quality water daily. Quality water is very important to assist the body in the detoxification process.
NOTE: Try to drink filtered water, bottled water or spring water if possible.
- If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult with your doctor before using this, or any other supplement.